Thursday, September 11, 2014

My Laser Hair Removal Experience

Back in June I had my first ever laser hair removal session. I chose a medical clinic after researching options and I got a discount for my first time half off underarms and brazilian. This clinic uses Lumenis LightSheer XC diode laser.

My first session took about 2 hours for all of it. It hurt some. There was this pain that some people describe as a rubber band snap. To me it felt like little electrical shocks. It wasn't too bad. Probably not even as bad as the pain I went through getting waxed and sugared in the past. (Sugaring, by the way, is my favorite hair removal as far as results go. But it's not always easy to find someone who does it.)

They ran the laser over me (I'm guessing, since I had eye protection on. It was like a heavy duty version of what you'd wear in a tanning bed) and then applied ice and antibiotic ointment.

Immediately after my laser hair removal treatment, I didn't feel like anything had happened. And the area just looked like I had shaved (I had). That night my skin was a little tender but nothing crazy. Then three days later all hell broke loose.

Up to that point, I didn't even feel anything. Then my underarms suddenly became tender again. I felt these welts (similar to the start of deep pimples) start forming in my armpits. The next day they really began to hurt so I went to the drugstore and got both pain relief antibiotic ointment and hydrocortisone cream. For the next few days it was absolute hell, it was painful to exercise and sometimes even just to lift my arms and dress myself. By some luck, this was only happening in my armpits. My sensitive crotch was spared. I think it's because when they did the test shots on my brazilian area I was kind of a weenie about it and they did it on a lower setting.

Anyways about 10 days after the treatment my hair started falling out. And sometime in that 1-2 week window the whitehead painful reaction began to subside. The hair fallout was kind of an amazing process. It all fell out within a few days and I was smooth and wonderful. Under my arms was healing but unfortunately the welts left pigmentation similar to what my face looks like after I pick at an acne breakout.

Since then I've had one other brazilian treatment. Not for lack of wanting the underarms done again. It's just pricey so I'm spacing out my treatments to make it more affordable. I told the clinic what happened and they said we could try another setting to avoid that reaction again. To be honest, my underarms are much smoother than before the treatment. I *almost* think it's worth it, but that painful week was really awful. I will probably do it again, but I'll be sure to let them know I want to be less aggressive. I never had the reaction in my brazilian area but I have had good hair loss in both areas. I took pictures of it all but for obvious reasons I don't want to post pictures of my vag for the whole internet. But here's my underarms about 5 days post treatment and 6 weeks later. You can see the angry red pimple-like thing I had going on as well as just how thick/coarse my hair is naturally when growing in. And of course the pigmentation afterwards. You can see the hair how it's growing now, but it's hard to see unless you're specifically looking for it. The difference is wonderful.

If there's a good amount of interest in my laser hair removal journey, I'll probably post updates and more pictures for you in the future.

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